Image of event YARD: Conducta b2b Todd Edwards by Trädgården venue in Stockholm

YARD: Conducta b2b Todd Edwards

Jul 27(a month ago) 00:00-00:00
#dnb, #uk garage, #garage, #house, #ukg revival, #bass house, #garage house, #revival

Last summer Trädgårdens darling Daytime Sessions got killed and risen from the ashes is YARD, the ten year old festival and cross-breed between Under Bron’s faint atmosphere and Trädgården’s lurid summer scenes. YARD will take its new shape in a fivefold party dedicated to our ravers and treasuring the community’s common ground: the music. The main stage will be presenting important tastemakers from the scene playing from opening to closing. Big names such as Jane Fitz, Craig Richards and Avalon Emerson will come to Sweden to blend their musical preferences. A rare opportunity to see two arti ...
Image of venue TrädgårdenTrädgårdenVenue

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