Image of event Shutdown @ södra teatern by Södra Teatern venue in Stockholm

Shutdown @ södra teatern

Mar 15(6 months ago) 00:00-00:00

Welcome everybody to Shutdown at Södra Teatern. We have gotten access to one of the most amazing venues in Stockholm and want to share an extraordinary night there with you. Instead of an entrance fee and the complications with standing in a queue and then being denied at the door, we’ve chosen to sell tickets at an absolute break-even price of 150kr which guarantees you entry! We want this night to be a time when you can relax, be surrounded by familiar and new faces and enjoy the music we all love. People love people and music! Hope to see you there. Music By Milburne Sunrise Xavier Adellic Dygna Bea Sylvan Alex Ander Age limit 20+
Image of venue Södra TeaternSödra TeaternVenue

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