Image of event Defskog presents : Markera ft. MC Hasse (Drum & Bass) / 3P (House) by Morfar Ginko venue in Stockholm

Defskog presents : Markera ft. MC Hasse (Drum & Bass) / 3P (House)

Mar 02(6 months ago) 20:00-00:00

💿SET TIMES💿 21:00-22:30 - 3P (House) 22:30-23:30 - 3P B2B Markera 23:30-01:00 - Markera ft. MC Hasse (Drum & Bass) Stockholm! Its time! 🔊 Join us for a night of raw energy and local talent in an intimate space! 🙌 Embrace the local vibes as our DJs spin a seamless blend of Drum & Bass and House, delivering a night filled with authentic energy. We will start the night of with some groovy house and transition into some banging drum & bass! 🎧 I ...
Image of venue Morfar GinkoMorfar GinkoVenue

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