Image of event 10 Years of Bassiani by Under Bron venue in Stockholm

10 Years of Bassiani

Mar 16(10 months ago) 00:00-00:00
#new isolationism, #swedish techno, #isolationism, #techno

One of the best clubs in the world - Bassiani - brings their residents to us to celebrate 10 years of bringing Tbilisi the best of techno and house. To help them they have invited Anthony Linell who's had a long love story with the club. This is a very special one. In the dark we see us! HVL SOPHIE PHARE ANTHONY LINELL 22-05 | 23 år | 22-23 - fri entré | 23-01 - 215 kr | 01-05 - 265
Image of venue Under BronUnder BronVenue

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